| | Attribute EXP Booster [7 Day] (Tradeable) |
5x | | Evoluter (Tradeable) |
10x | | Jump Booster all area (Tradeable) |
8x | | Fruit of the Goddes (Tradeable) |
10x | | Miracle Fruit (Tradeable) |
20x | | Flame Feather of Zhuqiaomon |
10x | | Glow Feather of Zhuqiaomon |
10x | | Ember Feather of Zhuqiaomon |
2x | | Crystal [Uprising Flame] [AT] +50% (2 hours) |
2x | | Crystal [Uprising Flame] [HP Max] +50% (2 hours) |
2x | | Crystal [Uprising Flame] [DS Max] +50% (2 hours) |
2x | | Crystal [Uprising Flame] [EXP] +1000% (2 hours) |
2x | | Amazing Renewal Increase Stone (+5) |
2x | | Amazing Digitary Power Stone (+10%) |
300x | | Zhuqiaomon Seal |
| | [AT] Chipset Lv9 (90-135) |
| | [HP] Chipset Lv9 (584-876) |
| | Flame Hooded Shirt of Zhuqiaomon |
| | Flame Short Pants of Zhuqiaomon |
| | Flame Gloves of Zhuqiaomon |
| | Flame Ring of Sealed Zhuqiaomon |
| | Flame Necklace of Sealed Zhuqiaomon |
| | Flame Earring of Sealed Zhuqiaomon |
| | Will of Fire (Zhuqiaomon ride mode) |
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