Secret Cloning DMO

Hi guys now im gonna share some trick about cloning guys. It some times work and sometimes don't so do it at your own Risk.If you land at this page you may be looking for cloning trick. And you land at the right post. Well its just my friend's trick so it may work

Ok, The first clon, 6 clon should be easy so don't use any BackUp Disk.
[X] [X] [X] [1,2,3,5] [4] [X]
[X] [X] [X] [6] [X] [X]

After this point you should start getting failure but i still Recommended You NOT to use any Backup. So here goes the trick.
First Chose 1 Card Randomly.Then Remember all the Success card.
Then Chose 1 Card Randomly Again. And Remember all the success card.
IF you see a card with the Success then it has a chance to becaome success again.

[X] [V] [V] [X] [V] [X]
[X] [V] [X] [V] [V] [X]
First Step

Then try again
[V] [X] [V] [V] [V] [X]
[X] [V] [X] [X] [X] [V]
Now The Blue One has better chance of Success.
keep doing this till clon 12/12

Ok thats all guys thanks for reading.


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